[Nix-dev] duplicate packages?

Guillaume Maudoux (Layus) layus.on at gmail.com
Thu Aug 4 13:59:19 CEST 2016

Le 04/08/16 à 10:57, Roland Koebler a écrit :
> Hi,
> I have Nix running on Debian with the default channel [*], and I noticed,
> that -- although I only have a few packages installed -- many dependencies
> are installed several times. I would like to understand, why.
> [*] https://nixos.org/channels/nixpkgs-unstable nixpkgs
First of all, there may be old derivations in the store.
You should look for duplicates in the output of
nix-store -qR ~/.nix-profile, not in the store directly.

Because there can exist many generation of you profile in the store.
> 1. Many packages are installed several times with the same version
>    number, e.g.:
>    2pa9z1h2m0pyik4hr1ikfl6jvdg8j4pb-acl-2.2.52
>    8c5s33f5mzfn9z3yhjprxnxzl19dg7p2-acl-2.2.52
>    sk0b1r840b686zc2m8mzyw8yyq1aymqh-acl-2.2.52
>    4vgjwvgf24jl3czzksai6mwsklvhgs4k-attr-2.4.47
>    8z667vv1agvpd3iknmk94j0ix6bv413i-attr-2.4.47
>    m8qi9jrz51lqn7x0mifa9kpwpsp3b7dq-attr-2.4.47
>    fxkm8r0vpv88ld82jz0a00sjvh342wfl-avahi-0.6.31
>    p817p19niamk0f06r5wvqvdqnym96r7w-avahi-0.6.31
>    5wi7ja71s4wdjkzfghc4lkwrwc45fnf9-avahi-0.6.32
>    d20f169ryps7ds2qak0r5n1f4hhxr80h-bash-4.3-p42
>    d44582rghk696yw704sh5nbvbpnm69iv-bash-4.3-p42
>    xag5ayq906w9zhlxs8wayv4kvpiyqphq-bash-4.3-p42
>    0y480sh5b4hny3iq8fy3ppha0zllxxaw-boehm-gc-7.2f
>    bw1p8rairfwv2yif2g1cc0yg8hv25mnl-boehm-gc-7.2f
>    f24zx1r39kalz01q9kw7zcg1ngj7w2db-boehm-gc-7.2f
>    98s2znxww6x7h2ch7cj1w5givahxmdna-glibc-2.23
>    phffgv3pwihmpdyk8xsz3wv8ydysch8w-glibc-2.23
>    ...
>    I know that different build-inputs result in different hashes, but I
>    would have expected a more homogeneous structure in nixpkgs (e.g.
>    only one acl-2.2.52 in nixpkgs and not several ones), so that
>    I don't need e.g. 3 times acl-2.2.52 or bash-4.3-p42.
You only get an homogeneous structure if you update all your packages at
the same time.
Doing nix-env -u will "[o]nly upgrade a derivation to newer versions [as
t]his is the default."

>From a tree with

+--- package a v1
|    `--- 2pa9z1h2m0pyik4hr1ikfl6jvdg8j4pb-acl-2.2.52
`--- package b v1
     `--- 2pa9z1h2m0pyik4hr1ikfl6jvdg8j4pb-acl-2.2.52

Running nix-env -u may update package a and not package b.
As the new package a is built in the new nixpkgs, it comes with a new
acl (same version, but different as probably one dependency changed).

You get two different acl in your system.

+--- package a *v2*
|    `--- *8c5s33f5mzfn9z3yhjprxnxzl19dg7p2*-acl-2.2.52
`+--- package b v1
     `--- 2pa9z1h2m0pyik4hr1ikfl6jvdg8j4pb-acl-2.2.52

To avoid this, you can upgrade packages with other flags like --eq.
Look an nix-env --upgrade manual section :

           Only upgrade a derivation to newer versions. This is the default.

           In addition to upgrading to newer versions, also “upgrade” to
derivations that have the same version. Version are not a unique
           identification of a derivation, so there may be many
derivations that have the same version. This flag may be useful to force
           “synchronisation” between the installed and available

           Only “upgrade” to derivations that have the same version.
This may not seem very useful, but it actually is, e.g., when there is a new
           release of Nixpkgs and you want to replace installed
applications with the same versions built against newer dependencies (to
           the number of dependencies floating around on your system).

           In addition to upgrading to newer versions, also “upgrade” to
derivations that have the same or a lower version. I.e., derivations may
           actually be downgraded depending on what is available in the
active Nix expression.

>    Is this because I use nixpkgs-unstable, and everything is moving
>    there, and is this reduced in the NixOS-release-channels?
>    Or is there some other reason?
The problem comes from how nix-env updates packages, but is less visible
if you follow a stable branch.

> 2. Is there a way to clean this up?
>    Either in the repository or locally?
>    Or is there a reason why this should not be cleaned up?
See above flags.
> 3. Is there a simple way to find the nix-expression (e.g.
>    default.nix-file) of an installed package / a path in
>    the nix-store?
>    And is there a way to know which directory in the nix-store
>    belongs to which .drv-file?
Not that I know of. There was a discussion at NixCon about that, but no
implementation yet.
Your best bet is to `grep` for the name in nixpkgs tree.

To find the .drv of a derivation, provided it has not yet been
garbage-collected, you can call `nix-store --query --deriver
> thanks,
> Roland
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