[Nix-dev] Gutenprint cups drivers

Jonas Hörsch coroa at online.de
Sat Feb 1 22:37:10 CET 2014

hello everyone,

can anybody explain to me or give me some hints on how to use any
gutenprint print drivers?

there are the packages gutenprint and gutenprintBin. both are happy
being added to services.printing.drivers. none of them seems to add
anything to the share/cups/model directory of cups-progs and thus no
ppds are selectable in the add printer menu on localhost:631.

gutenprintBin does bring along a couple of gzipped ppds. gutenprint
doesn't have any (possibly they could be generated using genppd ??).

those ppds contain paths, which read like /opt/gutenprint, and thus fail
to work when supplied manually to ppd without modification. replacing
those paths before so they point to the correct files instead seems to
work at first, but still upon printing the job errors out with 

Unable to find Gutenprint driver named "Canon PIXMA MG5200"!.

any ideas?

my efforts just ground to a halt.

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