[Nix-dev] Gutenprint cups drivers

Marc Weber marco-oweber at gmx.de
Sat Feb 1 23:53:38 CET 2014

Excerpts from coroa's message of Sat Feb 01 22:37:10 +0100 2014:
> there are the packages gutenprint and gutenprintBin.
Bin in the past contained more recent drivers.

My branches (github.com/MarcWeber) know how to compile gutenprint from
source. However to use eg canon pixma you also need current cupsd (based
on PDF transformations rather than PS) - but I only did enough work to
make my printers work - eg printing sample pages does not work yet with
newest cupsd.

The reason I had to package CSV version is no longer valid for me,
current source distribution contains everything I need - however
building was a lot of fun (work) .. so I still keep it around.
(I also created a pull request for that reason).

In order to use gutenprint you should also create ppd files.
(in my branches [1] they'll get symlinked to /run/current-system/sw/ppds/*)
and they cane be accessed by gutenprint.ppds (-A attr path)

> Unable to find Gutenprint driver named "Canon PIXMA MG5200"!.
And I'm getting such error recently, too (with Canon PIXMA MP980 for

No idea when /why it broke yet. I'm about debugging it - its not a high
priority - I don't print much.

cupsd.conf setting
        LogLevel debug2

might help.

Marc Weber

[1] github.com/MarcWeber/nixpkgs branch experimental/cups-1.6-and-1.7

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