[Nix-dev] With-expressions question

José Luis Lafuente jl at lafuente.me
Wed Mar 22 16:12:38 CET 2017

Recently I was having a weird error running nixos-rebuild. I added some
packages to systemPackages and I was getting this error:

cannot coerce a set to a string, at

After some debugging I found that the guilty was the boot package, but I
needed some time to understand why. In my configuration.nix I have this:

environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [

But 'boot' refers to the option 'boot', not the package 'boot'. For me,
that behavior is confusing (at least in the programming languages I know
the inner scope variables shadow the ones on the outer scope).
In my example, is there a way to make 'boot' refer to 'pkgs.boot'? or a way
of getting a warning on this case?

Jose Luis
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