[Nix-dev] Problem compiling a rust program without fetchFromGitHub

Moritz Ulrich moritz at tarn-vedra.de
Wed Mar 22 11:43:16 CET 2017

Christian Kauhaus <kc at flyingcircus.io> writes:

> Am 21.03.2017 um 18:22 schrieb stewart mackenzie:
>> You need to update the rustIndex in nixpkgs.
> I don't think that this is part of the solution. When I compile
> *exactly* the same source obtained via fetchFromGitHub, all
> dependencies are found.

I agree. The versions etc. in Cargo.toml are equivalent. The only source
should be some impurities caused by stuff being added which isn't
fetched (or is sanitized after fetching) from Github, *especially* if it
works with the same `depsSha256`.

> The direction I've been thinking about is that fetchFromGitHub is
> actually a derivation with a bit of magic attached, while directly
> imported sources are just a Nix store path. Need to study
> buildRustPackage's code. Alas, the code in pkgs/build-support/rust/ is
> not really straight-forward. Help appreciated. :-)

I'll try to reproduce the issue I had with one of my projects now, I'll
keep you updated.
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