[Nix-dev] The Church of Suckless NixOS is looking for followers

Alexey Shmalko rasen.dubi at gmail.com
Sun Mar 19 01:00:46 CET 2017

Lukas Epple <post at lukasepple.de> writes:

> On Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 11:20:00AM +0000, Jan Malakhovski wrote:
> Instead of wasting your time on a NixOS fork, just build an abstraction
> over *any* init/daemon management system (so atm systemd, openrc, runit,
> sinit, …) and get it into NixOS upstream for great good. Just looking at
> the wonderful abstraction NixOS has already given us, I am sure, that it
> is indeed possible to incorporate two very different approaches to Linx
> distribution architecture into NixOS.

I, too, would like to see that as an abstraction layer over any init
system, rather than a fork. This is pretty much achievable (Gentoo
supports many intialization systems) and needed (there was a discussion
of the bsd port already).

> PS: Also, if you indeed want to fork NixOS, it seems kinda inappropiate to
> advertise your fork 

Don't agree with that. It is perfectly OK to advertise the fork in the
main nixos channel. Otherwise, how would you receive any feedback or
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