[Nix-dev] Linux Libertine: Source vs. OTF

Sergiu Ivanov sivanov at colimite.fr
Wed Mar 9 10:04:45 CET 2016


I have installed linux-libertine-5.3.0 and am having quite a bit of
trouble with the fonts and XeLaTeX:

 - small caps are not included into Linux Libertine O font face, by
   default, so I have to use something like
     \setmainfont[SmallCapsFont={Linux Libertine Initials O}]{Linux Libertine O}
   even though, normally, this is not required,

 - even if I set the small caps font explicitly, I get weird rendering
   effects: \textsc{H} will make the capital H quite blurry, with some
   weird contour around it,

 - non-Latin small caps are missing: I get a box with a cross when I do

Looking at the definition of the package [0], I noticed that the fonts
are built from source _locally_.  On an impulse, I threw together a
package that downloads OTF files directly (thus, nothing is build
locally).  Weirdly enough, it solved all my problems: the fonts behaved
just as I expected.  I have texlive-full on my machine.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

Is there a specific reason to install Linux Libertine from source,
instead of just downloading the pre-built OTF/TTF/whatever files?


[0] https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/0b3becb2697a8d0a00344cc3370a7d7ad67290fc/pkgs/data/fonts/libertine/default.nix
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