[Nix-dev] Commit access

Ericson, John john_ericson at brown.edu
Mon Feb 29 19:28:10 CET 2016

Another -1 for multiple repos. We've been fairly good at abstraction and
refactoring, and this would serious impair our abilities with regard to

On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 10:02 AM, stewart mackenzie <setori88 at gmail.com>

> Clear support for Layus' points.
> I'll mention another point more clearly.
> Eschew hierarchy & consensus
> Adopt the Advice Process:
> Before making a decision seek advice from expertise, then seek advice
> from those you'll affect. Neither group can veto your decision.
> Maintainers who do not do this or are unwilling to do this are loose
> cannons and are removed. The bar to becoming a maintainer: 1 PR.
> Evidence will amount to see whether the advice process is used or not.
> It's a good thing more people feel part of the community. Remove the
> loose cannons, the code base then stabilizes greatly.
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