[Nix-dev] new tool: nixos-typecheck

Hash Domains 5OAQ0BJHJ6UN82WG98MGIGSO5Q7QLHC63JE4GW7IVIXQQHKD3P at hash.domains
Mon Feb 29 03:16:25 CET 2016


There is the new tool "nixos-typecheck" available in NixOS (currently in 
master only) that is meant help us to keep the options of our nixos 
module system well defined. In particular, "nixos-typecheck" can check 
whether a type attribute is defined for the options of the module 
system, and whether the default and example attributes are extended by 
defaultText and literalExample where appropriate.

Defining the type attribute and defaultText and literalExample is 
especially important for automatically generating a well specified 
documentation of the nixos modules system, and to build enhanced tools 
like NixUI. So I think it would be great if we could get all the options 
that "nixos-typecheck" currently reports as "unspecified" typed for our 
next release 16.09.

What do you think?


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