[Nix-dev] Fwd: Wiki is dead

Thomas Hunger tehunger at gmail.com
Mon Feb 22 00:58:17 CET 2016

Thanks Rok!

I've given this a try [1] for the zero-build-failures entry and my
experience so far was:

1/ How do I actually build docbook?
  => copy doc/default.nix and adjust
2/ nix-build is rebuilding GHC 7.8 and 7.10 (for pandoc I think).
  => Wait 2h.
3/ GHC build fails [2]
4/ We're not using standard docbook but preprocess with XSLT so references
on the internet don't actually work.

While I think the docbook format itself is fine for describing the content
the process isn't. IMO it must be reasonably simple to contribute or fix an

Would you be opposed to a directory full of markdown files for now? Those
can be pandoc-ed into almost anything later without too much formatting
loss IIUC?



error while loading shared libraries:
libHSterminfo- cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory

On 21 February 2016 at 21:27, Rok Garbas <rok at garbas.si> wrote:

> Hi all,
> As some already seen I create tickets for each page in wiki (more or
> less) each wiki page.
> All are assigned to "Move the wiki!"[1] milestone, so we can track the
> progress.
> Because of the quantity of content that needs to be migrated, and most
> importantly reviewed, we must move with small steps since one-evening
> migration away from current wiki is not possible.
> Next step is triaging and getting everybody involved to produce best
> documentation we can. I'm hoping that migration of the wiki will be
> done in a month (or sooner). Current status is we have 180 open
> tickets, I will keep the mailing list updated on the status of the
> migration on bi-weekly basis.
> Few things that some already asked me:
>  - we are not moving away from docbook format at this stage (we need
> to fix one thing at the time)
>  - contributions via PR's is just another form of a wiki, which fits
> into our current workflow and removes
>  - there will be more documents then just manual (tutorial, cookbooks,
> getting started, ...) but conversation about this started some in
> another tread so lets continue conversation there.
> Important to know is that nothing will happen over night, but we must
> keep improving our documentation. I have no doubt that in one year it
> will be much easier to learn/use/play with Nix/NixOS.
> [1] https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/milestones/Move%20the%20wiki!
> --
> Rok Garbas - https://garbas.si
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