[Nix-dev] Shared packages list and collision errors

Dario Bertini berdario at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 17:05:39 CET 2015

I have this inside my configuration.nix

environment.systemPackages = (import <common>);

and this is my NIX_PATH:


these are the contents of /home/dario/.dotfiles/packages.nix

with (import <nixpkgs> {}).pkgs;

When I run either

sudo -E nixos-rebuild switch


nix-env -f packages.nix -i

I get a collision, a warning in the former case, and an error in the latter:


but if I change my environment.systemPackages to what it was before, i.e.:

environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [gcc clang];

I don't get any errors.

Can someone point me to an explanation/docs for this behavior?

(My use case btw is to do this:
while at the same time being able to use that same list inside my

Thank you

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