[Nix-dev] Funding Hydra Development

Wout Mertens wout.mertens at gmail.com
Wed Jan 21 22:32:19 CET 2015

Sure, but who or what gets the money? Will it fund more build systems or
will the money go to a recreation of Hydra in a more popular language? Not
sure if throwing money at the Hydra codebase will speed up compiles (apart
from setting it up to use ccache).

On Wed Jan 21 2015 at 4:57:15 PM stewart mackenzie <setori88 at gmail.com>

> Dear all,
> A recent thread regarding contributors brought up a point about
> throwing a stack of money at further devlopment and refinement of
> Hydra.
> Wouldn't it be nice to:
> - be able to do as they do in the OpenBSD world by living on master.
> When things break the fix comes in quick. No hanging around for days.
> Releases are a by product of the world of sw distribution on CDs and DVDs.
> - (most importantly) Create a distributed community wide Hydra that
> disseminates binaries over something like named data networking.
> Might we create an indiegogo campaign? I know NixOS gets limelight on
> sites likes hackernews, so I suspect the campaign could well be a
> success.
> What is your opinion?
> Kind regards
> Stewart
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