[Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

Ertugrul Söylemez ertesx at gmx.de
Mon Feb 9 21:27:37 CET 2015

> Maybe you need to script it properly? Maybe StumpWM is less rigid from
> the beginning, though (I use it and extended it for my needs, so I can
> probably answer your questions if you wonder about it; it is in Common
> Lisp, by default all the splits are manual, and there are many hooks
> to perform actiosn on events like window addition)

Thanks!  However, I'd better not switch to a WM that I wouldn't enjoy
configuring.  Also I think that I've bent xmonad pretty much to its
limits and hit the abstraction wall.  Nowadays my configuration is a
whole cabalised package that I install via Nix.  If you're interested,
it's online [1].

The abstraction wall I hit is StackSet.  It is highly sequential
(workspaces are lists of windows, there is a mapping from screens to
workspaces, etc.) and offers absolutely no choice to organise windows
differently.  What I mean by "too rigid" is having

    f :: Blah X -> M ()

instead of

    f :: (SomeAppropriateClass f) => f X -> M ()

thereby enforcing `Blah` instead of an `f` of my choice.

[1]: http://hub.darcs.net/ertes-m/config/browse/myxmonad
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