[Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

Michael Raskin 7c6f434c at mail.ru
Mon Feb 9 21:00:41 CET 2015

>I use the same combination (xmonad + taffybar) and could complain all
>day long about it.  Of course this is constructive criticism, and I'm an
>idealist to some extent, but still there is a lot of room for
>For example xmonad is too rigid.  It has a fixed data structure that
>corresponds directly to what is displayed on each screen.  Workspace
>names are strings, which is hugely inconvenient.  Something like
>tag-based volatile workspaces are not possible, although with some
>really ugly (and slow) hacks you could do it.
>In the ideal graphical environment I wouldn't see any reason to close or
>move a single window -- ever.  Xmonad gets closer, but is still far

Maybe you need to script it properly? Maybe StumpWM is less rigid from 
the beginning, though (I use it and extended it for my needs, so I can
probably answer your questions if you wonder about it; it is in Common
Lisp, by default all the splits are manual, and there are many hooks to
perform actiosn on events like window addition)

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