[Nix-dev] A Journey into the Haskell NG infrastructure: Part I

John Wiegley johnw at newartisans.com
Thu Feb 5 21:51:55 CET 2015

>>>>> Peter Simons <simons at cryp.to> writes:

>  2) For recent Hackage packages, you can do that without using cabal2nix, even,
>     by running:

>       $ nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A haskellngPackages.hspec.env

I think I'm missing some bit of special sauce, because when I run these
commands, `./Setup configure reports that several of the dependencies are

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
ghc784:[johnw at Vulcan:~/src/gitlib/gitlib-libgit2]$
  nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A haskellngPackages.hspec.env

\[\][nix-shell:~/src/gitlib/gitlib-libgit2]$\[\] ./Setup configure
Configuring gitlib-libgit2-
Setup: At least the following dependencies are missing:
gitlib >=3.0.0,
hlibgit2 >=,
missing-foreign >=0.1.1,
monad-control <1.0,
monad-logger >=,
stm-conduit >=2.3.0,
text-icu >=0.6.3
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Also, would it be much work to get the hoogleLocal expression working within
the NG framework?


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