[Nix-dev] Low-hanging fruit in NixOS for aspiring developer

Albin Stjerna albin.stjerna at gmail.com
Sat Dec 6 12:02:16 CET 2014


I'm thinking about getting involved in NixOS, and I'm looking for good
places to start learning, beyond trying out NixOS and reading the manual
and the papers. Are there any packaging efforts or other low-hanging fruit
in particular that I could look at?

Also, I'd like to mention that I'm considering a rather serious long-term
committment to NixOS if things work out, though I'm waiting for Gnome to
become slightly more stable before transitioning full-time on my main
computer. I am particularly interested in using/participating in the
development of a system  that is developed and tested as an organic whole,
rather than as a core system plus packages, and from what I can tell NixOS
seems to have great potential in this area.

  Albin Stjerna
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