[Nix-dev] GHC-bundled terminfo collides with the actual package

Mateusz Kowalczyk fuuzetsu at fuuzetsu.co.uk
Fri Aug 22 18:00:36 CEST 2014


I want to have Agda available everywhere on my system so I wanted to
stick it in systemPackages. nix-shell does not work in this scenario
because I use it for its input method in emacs so it needs to be
available everywhere, all the time: I don't want to have to start
separate emacs sessions.

That worked for a while but few weeks ago I started getting this:

collision between
at /nix/store/9z6d76pz8rr7gci2n3igh5dqi7ac5xqj-builder.pl line 72.

This stops the rebuild.

Is there a clean way to proceed? A hack which overrides terminfo to
produce nothing doesn't work as we end up with

Loading package terminfo- ... <command line>: can't load .so/.DLL
for: libncursesw.so (libncursesw.so: cannot open shared object file: No
such file or directory)

Another hack which passes terminfo = null to haskeline which is the
dependency of Agda that actually pulls terminfo is doesn't work either:

cannot find -lncursesw

The only thing I have in systemPackages is as follows:
      (haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (self :
        [ self.Agda

Can someone advise how I can have Agda (or any terminfo-dependent
program) in systemPackages? My current workaround is going to involve
using nix-env to get Agda and AgdaStdlib into my user's profile but I
don't like using nix-env, I have no packages active through that way and
I'd hate to have to make an exception.
Mateusz K.

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