[Nix-dev] ghcWithPackages

Tim Barbour trb at categorical.net
Wed Aug 20 11:44:02 CEST 2014

This message somehow did not make it to the list, so I am sending it again:

Mateusz Kowalczyk writes:
 > [...]
 > haskellPackages_ghc783.ghcWithPackages should work just fine, I just
 > tried it myself. Considering haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages gives you
 > 7.6.3, it simply makes me think that you have an old set of packages. On
 > nixos-unstable/nixpkgs-unstable, that would default to 7.8.3 and
 > haskellPackages_ghc783.ghcWithPackages would work fine. That's what I
 > use in my configuration.nix myself: I'm using nixos-unstable channel.

That fixed it, thank you.

Now I am wondering what the wisest choice of channel(s) is. I imagine the
latest stable nixos for most things, but nixos-unstable for more experimental
things (e.g. yi). Perhaps nixos-unstable for most Haskell packages ?  What
determines the choice between the nixos channel and the nixpkgs channel ?

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