[Nix-dev] Tentative NIx Hackfest in Augsburg (or Munich): July 6th-9th

Florian Friesdorf flo at chaoflow.net
Fri Jun 29 13:20:19 CEST 2012

I'm July 1st - 8th at EuroPython in Florence, Italy. This could also be
a nice place for a meetup...

I think goibhniu found out that if only attending the sprint (weekend)
you don't pay an attendence fee.

On Thu, 28 Jun 2012 19:38:25 +0200, Cillian de Róiste <cillian.deroiste at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Since there are a few Nixers around the Munich area (or passing
> through) we have been discussing the idea on IRC of getting together
> for a few days to work on some Nix stuff.
> Nothing has been confirmed yet but we were thinking of July 7-9th in
> Augsburg. Naturally, people are also welcome to attend remotely, and
> we'll try to ensure we have webcams etc. available to include people
> as much as possible.
> I've added a brief page to the wiki which we could use for planning:
> https://nixos.org/wiki/Nix_Hackfest:_2012-07_Augsburg
> Feel free to add your nick/name and topic of interest along with a
> description of a topic you would particularly like to work on (and to
> propose more hackfests!).
> If people are interested in Nix and want to drop in to see what it's
> about, get help packaging something or perhaps to do some wiki
> gardening or other constructive tasks which aren't particularly
> programming related, that would also be wonderful!
> Cheers,
> goibhniu
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Florian Friesdorf <flo at chaoflow.net>
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IRC: chaoflow on freenode,ircnet,blafasel,OFTC
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