[Nix-dev] nix-prefetch-git in nixpkgs

Lluís Batlle i Rossell viric at viric.name
Mon Jun 4 21:01:40 CEST 2012


I can't understand how nix-prefetch-git works.
If I call:
 ./nix-prefetch-git git://gitorious.org/qt-labs/jom.git v1.0.11
it does not fetch anything and gives always the same hash.

If I call:
 ./nix-prefetch-git --url git://gitorious.org/qt-labs/jom.git --rev v1.0.11
it says: unknown flag '--rev'.

And its output without parameters is a help that says:
  syntax: nix-prefetch-git [options] [URL [REVISION [EXPECTED-HASH]]]

      --out path      Path where the output would be stored.
      --url url       Any url understand by 'git clone'.
      --rev ref       Any sha1 or references (such as refs/heads/master)
      --hash h        Expected hash.
      --deepClone     Clone submodules recursively.
      --no-deepClone  Do not clone submodules.
      --leave-dotGit  Keep the .git directories.
      --builder       Clone as fetchgit does, but url, rev, and out option are mandatory.

So, do I fail to understand how to call nix-prefetch-git, or it is very wrong? :)

Thank you,

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