[Nix-dev] Re: Patch for module most-5.0.0

Marc Weber marco-oweber at gmx.de
Sat May 1 14:05:16 CEST 2010

Hi Tim,

without knowing you just wrote the text for the longDescription :)

  > A few of the differences with most compared to less are:
  > * most display binary files very well
  I will try this. Maybe I even like it.

  > * most does not wrap lines with more characters than the terminal width (less -S)
  > * most has different key bindings and like less they are configurable
  > * most's color scheme can also be changed
  > I am sure there are more differences, but these are why I use most.

If others agree I'd like to add this as longDescription because I feel
its worth saying why having less only is not enough.

Marc Weber

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