[Nix-dev] Re: Hello, Nix project

Yury G. Kudryashov urkud+nix at ya.ru
Tue Jul 27 22:23:37 CEST 2010

Magdalena Bugajska wrote:

> I wanted to set up my own collection of packages made up of things
> I've been working on, but all the directions point to setting up a
> package within the nixpkgs collection which didn't really make much
> sense to me.  Is there really supposed to be one tree?  Or can
> somebody point me to a simple project that shows a basic configuration
> of nix files for deployment of a collection of just couple packages?
> The all-packages.nix from nixpkgs is slightly on the the confusing side.
> Is it possible to have the separate package collection to use fetchurl
> and stdenv functions from nixpkgs?  The best I can figure out, I would
> have to copy the relevant functions calls and definitions and the
> builders into my own collection, i.e. redefine them in my own
> namespace.  But in case of more substantial libraries or compilers
> wouldn't that result in installing the package multiple times once for
> each collection/namespace?  I must be missing something ...
Something like
let pkgs = import /etc/nixos/nixpkgs; in ...
Look how /etc/nixos/nixos calls /etc/nixos/nixpkgs.
> I've also been looking for examples of channel setup and a farm, but I
> don't think I'm ready for those.
> Appreciate any the help.
> -- Magda

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