Re: [Nix-dev] Re: [FAILURE] [BUILDFARM] emacs-22

Michael Raskin 7c6f434c at
Wed Jul 9 10:18:12 CEST 2008

> >   1) I read buildfarm logs after last failure. The failing 
> > package is emacs-22 . In some strange case there is a hanging
> > /usr/lib/crt1.o reference in the makefiles. As far as I understand,
> > this happens with x86_64-build. Revision built is 12323, i.e.
> > r12303 is included. 
> A "fix" was committed recently for x86_64 IIRC (I can't find the
> revision right now since is apparently off-line).  Maybe it
> had an undesirable side effect?

Well.. I looked up. It was r12303 that I mentioned in my first e-mail.
i686 does build now, so it didn't really break anything. But it turned 
out to fail on buildfarm for some - unknown to me - reason.

> >   3) What about a mailing list with some (at least basic) build
> > failure reporting? 
> Yes, that'd be nice!  

I would say that providing good paths even though one path has failed 
is more pressing anyway..

What would be already nice about failure reports is ability to get just 
a few lines around each "builder for .* failed" and the first line 
where the failed derivation occured (to know arch). Because fetching
10MB log seems to be some overkill when I am obviously interested in 
algorithmically defined 10 KB of it.

> BTW, can you remind me of the build report URL?

> PS: It would be great for me if you could limit your messages to lines
>     of 72 characters or so (surely your MUA can do it for you).

You correctly pinpointed the problem. I told Thunderbird to do it, and
got accustomed to place no line breaks.. But once I send mail from a 
place with tcp/25 filtered, I use webmail and forget that 
doesn't put linebreaks, too. 

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