[Nix-dev] pkgs: xawtv-3.95-makefile.patch maybe wrong man and libdir or lack of understanding

Marc Weber marco-oweber at gmx.de
Sun Mar 18 00:24:09 CET 2007

file content is
=============  =======================================================
 # for package builds (buildroot install + no root privs needed)
 DESTDIR=                                    <<   2nd line
-SUID_ROOT=-m4755 -o root
 # install paths
 prefix		:= @prefix@
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 mandir		:= $(DESTDIR)@mandir@
 libdir		:= $(DESTDIR)@libdir@/xawtv
 datadir		:= $(DESTDIR)@datadir@/xawtv
-resdir		:= $(DESTDIR)@resdir@          << 10th line
+resdir		:= $(out)@resdir@
 config		:= @x11conf@/xawtvrc
 # programs
============  =======================================================

Notice the 2nd line and 10th line
2nd line is meant to set DESTDIR, isn't it ?
The 10th and 11th line set resdir using $(out)
But mandir, libdir, datadir aren't touched.

Is this intentionally?
I would have tried replacing the snd line only

What did I miss here?

Marc W.

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