[Nix-dev] YouCompleteMe in 16.09

benley at gmail.com benley at gmail.com
Sun Mar 19 20:26:14 CET 2017

The answer is somewhat more complex than one might expect, but there is
documentation about how to build vim along with various plugins at

Here is an example ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix with an example of what I think
you are looking for:

  packageOverrides = super: with super; {

    myVim = pkgs.vim_configurable.customize {
      name = "vim-with-youcompleteme";
      vimrcConfig = {
        # You can insert your vimrc content here, or have vim source the
        # one from your homedir like I do:
        customRC = ''
          source ~/.vimrc
          set secure
        vam.knownPlugins = pkgs.vimPlugins;
        vam.pluginDictionaries = [{
          names = [

With that in place you can run `nix-env -iA nixpkgs.myVim` to install it to
your user profile.

On Sun, Mar 19, 2017 at 3:15 PM, Tilo Schwarz <tilo.schwarz.de at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I try to get YouCompleteMe running. I put
> vimPlugins.YouCompleteMe and
> ycmd
> in my packages list and I can see the packages in /nix/store. But vim
> doesn't seem to find it and I couldn't find a configuration option.
> I see two options:
> - Change vims runtime path to include the specific /nix/store/... location
> - Symlink the /nix/store/... location into my .vim/plugin/
> - ?
> What would be the "nixos-correct" way to proceed?
> Thank you,
> Tilo
> --
> Best regards / Viele Grüße,
> Tilo Schwarz
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