[Nix-dev] weird garbage output inside nix-shell

Roni Choudhury aichoudh at gmail.com
Sat Jun 10 19:38:07 CEST 2017

Hi all-

Linus, Sam, and Sergiu - thank you for the suggestions. I did poke around
in the output from `env` and discovered IN_NIX_SHELL, and arranged my
.zshrc to show `${name}` when `$IN_NIX_SHELL` is true. Fantastic!

I'm not sure the other problem has to do with character encodings (though I
don't know too much about how that works). I did notice that `ldd $(which
vim)` shows me different results when I am inside my nix-shell vs. when I'm
not. I kind of thought I shouldn't even be able to launch vim from inside
my shell if it's not listed as a buildDep.

If I send my shell.nix, would someone else mind trying to use it to see if
you can reproduce my strange results?



On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 9:40 AM Sergiu Ivanov <sivanov at colimite.fr> wrote:

> Hello Roni,
> Thus quoth  Roni Choudhury  at 13:24 on Wed, Jun 07 2017:
> > On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 12:14 AM Samuel Leathers <disasm at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> >> I use nix-shell --run zsh. I alias that to nshell.
> >>
> > Thanks, Sam, this is a great idea! On this note, do you know of a good
> way
> > to update the prompt to reflect the nix-shell environment I'm in? i.e.,
> is
> > there a way to *name* the nix-shell env, and get access to that name
> > through an environment variable?
>   nix-shell --run 'MY_SHELL_NAME=foo zsh'
> will allow you to tag the shell with a custom environment variable.
> If you want to update the prompt, you should probably play around with
> shell prompt variables (like PS1 in bash):
> http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Prompt-Expansion.html#Prompt-Expansion
> > I wanted to add that even if I don't drop into zsh as my first act in the
> > nix-shell, I still get that weird output from executables not in the
> > environment (such as `zsh` and `git`). If anyone has any insight or can
> > answer my other question, that would be great.
> My first reaction on seeing your very first mail was that you were
> probably having issues with processing of ASCII terminal codes.
> Unfortunately, I don't have any clear suggestions.
> Have you tried running the commands in different terminal emulators?
> --
> Sergiu
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