[Nix-dev] How to downgrade or patch freetype-2.7 ?

Thomas Tuegel ttuegel at mailbox.org
Wed Apr 19 23:47:07 CEST 2017

Volth <volth at volth.com> writes:

> Fontconfig does not help here. The problem is with all fonts with
> manual hinting, also with all old windows fonts. Those fonts are from
> pre-anti-aliasing ages.
> Full hinting enabled + anti-aliasing disabled is the only suitable
> mode for them.

We can use Fontconfig to set per-font hinting and anti-aliasing
settings! :-)

We can't toggle the interpreter version directly through Fontconfig, but
at `full' hinting, the v40 interpreter should give the same results as
v38, especially with anti-aliasing disabled. I can't speak reliably
about the v35 interpreter because NixOS has always used v38 in the past.

I assume that "old windows fonts" means corefonts? Are you having
trouble with any other fonts besides PragmataPro? If you give me a list,
I can put together some samples to see if we can't find something better
for everyone.


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