[Nix-dev] Setuid wrapper for bash script

Daniel Hlynskyi abcz2.uprola at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 23:04:03 CEST 2016

> You probably need to use "bash -p", otherwise bash will drop its root
> on startup.

Thanks, that's it

> Shell scripts cannot be setuid:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18698976/suid-not-

Thanks! Actually, I really missed the case when user could alter PATH with
custom `systemctl` and execute arbitrary code.

  restartScript = pkgs.writeScriptBin "defenders" ''
    #!${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash -p
    [[ -z "$1" ]] && echo Specify operation: start, stop, restart, status
&& exit 1
    ${pkgs.systemd}/bin/systemctl "$1" defenders.service

Still, I'm not sure whether I've done it right, maybe better would be to su
as root and clear shell variables?

> Hi. You could also consider writing a polkit rule or using sudo.

Probably you're right, I don't know how to restrict script execution to
specific group with setuid/setgid...
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