[Nix-dev] building ruby package utf-8 needed

Matthew O'Gorman mog at rldn.net
Mon Sep 5 04:08:37 CEST 2016

Peter Hoeg <peter at hoeg.com> writes:

> Matthew,
>>I am trying to package a ruby package into nixpkgs and I am getting
>>stuck here.  How do I properly set the utf8 variables in the build? I
>>have tried setting LANG and LC_ALL but i don't know if it propigated
>>correctly. thanks for the help.
> Can you share the package definition?

So what I am trying to build is my fork,

The package it is failing on is delayed_job_active_record it is
available here

and the file it tries and fails on is attached. it fails on his name.

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Matthew O'Gorman
TorChat: 5w3dtk7nhkkijcpc
Site: https://b.rldn.net
Xim/Email: mog at rldn.net
mog at rldn:~$ fortune wisdom -s|cowsay -f /dev/null
/ No matter where I go, the place is \
\ always called "here".              /
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