[Nix-dev] cache.nixos.org. mirror

Nikolay Amiantov ab at fmap.me
Mon Oct 24 01:05:30 CEST 2016

Hi all,

Apparently, recently cache.nixos.org was blocked in Russia[1] (not it
specifically, but rather a bunch of CloudFront hosts, because something
illegal was using it). I don't yet experience the block myself at home
(seems my ISP is reluctant to actually abide by the law). However, I
can't access the cache from a server which is located in a data center.

Is there any mirror that is not provided via CloudFront? Perhaps we can
workaround this by using some known-good IP addresses hardcoded to
/etc/hosts. Maybe there are known non-blocked CloudFront hosts that
other Russia-located people can share?

I'm trying _very_ hard to omit my opinions here, and expect this from
others -- let's not bring politics to nix-dev ^_^.

1: https://reestr.rublacklist.net/search/?q= (example for
one IP)


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