[Nix-dev] Did we just get windows support for free?

Michael Raskin 7c6f434c at mail.ru
Wed Mar 30 22:51:55 CEST 2016

>apt-get is available, so it is possible to use a package manager, but
>I'm not sure which parts are read-only.

Well, Nix only needs one writeable POSIX-complete directory, after all.
It being /nix/ is negotiable.

If they use unmodified apt-get, though, it should be possible (maybe
using outside tools to set this up) to have just /nix/

>> The talk was scheduled before today; I think it's too early for April.
>> https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Build/2016/C906
>> What's not clear is how the linux files are stored; it looks like the root
>> filesystem is read-only in Dustin Kirkland's post, which would preclude
>> using a package manager.

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