[Nix-dev] allowBroken? How about ignoreBroken for nix-shell

Brandon Barker brandon.barker at cornell.edu
Sun Mar 6 17:43:43 CET 2016

Actually, I assume ignoring broken packages is the default, so I'm probably
doing something wrong. I don't want broken packages installed, especially
if they are apparently completely unrelated to what I'm working on. For
example, I'm trying to test a package that I confirmed will build in my
forked branch of nixpkgs:

$ nix-shell -f ~/nixpkgs
error: Package ‘agda-iowa-stdlib-18734’ in
is marked as broken, refusing to evaluate.
a) For `nixos-rebuild` you can set
  { nixpkgs.config.allowBroken = true; }
in configuration.nix to override this.

b) For `nix-env`, `nix-build` or any other Nix command you can add
  { allowBroken = true; }
to ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix.

It has nothing to do with agda; earlier I also saw a similar message for a
VisualBoyAdvance package ... much as I wish my work had something to do
with game emulators, sadly it is not the case.

Here is the nix expression for nix-shell:

with import <nixpkgs> {}; {
  cobraEnv = stdenv.mkDerivation {
    name = "COBRApy";
    buildInputs = [ stdenv python34 python34Packages.virtualenv cobrapy];
    shellHook =
export PS1="COBRApy >

Thanks for any suggestions!
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