[Nix-dev] Hydra builds for Mac OS X

Rob Vermaas rob.vermaas at gmail.com
Mon Jan 4 19:40:45 CET 2016


Lately the queue on hydra.nixos.org has been pretty full, mostly with
Mac OS X related builds. To start the new year off with a bang, we
have sextupled the build capacity for Mac OS X (x86_64-darwin), we
have gone from 2 cores to 12 cores!

This expansion was made possible by Dan Peebles, Snabb.co, LogicBlox
and all other people that have donated to the NixOS Foundation! You
guys are awesome!

Let's make 2016 the year that Nix/Nixpkgs takes over the Mac OS X world!

Rob Vermaas

[email] rob.vermaas at gmail.com

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