[Nix-dev] Announcing: Security Tooling, nix-security-announce Mailing List

Graham Christensen graham at grahamc.com
Sat Dec 3 01:00:51 CET 2016

Ok everyone, here is an update:

> Maybe the list was initially intended for announcing embargoed issues

No, this list is not for embargoed issues. We don't currently have this infrastructure. We are planning on working on this infrastructure in the first / second quarter of 2017.

> why is the security announcements mailing list invite-only?

The list was misconfigured. We want the announce list to be announce-only and no other discussion. It is now configured to allow anyone to subscribe / join, but only certain people to send mail. For discussion about issues, I would recommend emailing nix-dev.

> How do I subscribe?

 - with a Google account, at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/nix-security-announce
 - without a Google account, I believe you can join the list without a Google account by emailing `nix-security-announce+subscribe at googlegroups.com`.

> why is that list not hosted on the same server as the other nix-related mailing lists?

  The service which hosts the other mailing list seems to not be taking
  new lists. This was a problem when Rob tried to set up the list, and we
  agreed using a Google group should be okay, based on these criteria:

   - I made sure list archives can be viewed without a Google account.
   - I made sure list archives can be searched without having a Google
   - account.
   - I also made sure Google groups can be subscribed to without a Google


## Security Updates (cross-posted to the list)

The following issues have been resolved in NixOS in unstable and
release-16.09. They remain potentially vulnerable on older major

These patches will be released to the unstable and
release-16.09 channels when Hydra finishes building the "tested" job
for each channel:

 - https://hydra.nixos.org/job/nixos/release-16.09/tested
 - https://hydra.nixos.org/job/nixos/trunk-combined/tested

Please consider helping with the next security roundup by commenting on

master   16.09    Message                                             Notes
---      ---      ---                                                 ---
16995fc  d573588  boehmgc: 7.2f -> 7.2g                               n/a
1e17f21  e7fc018  firefox: 50.0.1 -> 50.0.2                           n/a
b04e23b  bd39c43  firefox: 50.0 -> 5.0.1 for CVE-2016-9078            n/a
2d341ca  3bf46ba  firefox-bin: 50.0 -> 50.0.1                         n/a
36f980b  22389ae  firefox-esr: security 45.5.0 -> 45.5.1 (#20841)     n/a
18a3225  15f6c2d  linux: 3.12.67 -> 3.12.68                           n/a
5afc6b5  0dcdb9b  linux: 4.1.35 -> 4.1.36                             n/a
cc77360  c9dafb1  linux: 4.4.34 -> 4.4.35                             n/a
654f5df  33287d9  linux: 4.4.35 -> 4.4.36                             n/a
b47307b  5db1d94  linux: 4.8.10 -> 4.8.11                             n/a
853b649  2ddf554  linux: 4.8.11 -> 4.8.12                             n/a
a8eeef6  d35e2de  lxc: 2.0.4 -> 2.0.6 (security)                      n/a
a9611a5  3275b2f  mcabber: 1.0.3 -> 1.0.4 for 'roster push attack'    n/a
0707962  e6fe609  mujs: 2016-09-21 -> 2016-11-30 for multiple CVEs    n/a
5b6d52b  7fc197f  nagios: 4.0.8 -> 4.2.3                              n/a
c77011c  a9523ed  nagiosPluginsOfficial: 2.0.3 -> 2.1.4               n/a
b221fc1  d564833  nss: 3.27.1 -> 3.27.2                               n/a
e700ff6  066166b  perl-bignum: 0.43 -> 0.44                           n/a
7d09138  d8e8bb4  perlPackages.DBDmysql: 4.033 -> 4.039               n/a
390f6a9  a5ffcd2  Revert "Revert "bzip2: patch for CVE-2016-3189""    n/a
7e40e89  997c6b9  rpcbind: patch for CVE-2015-7236                    n/a
f4aab5b  4d15c98  thunderbird: 45.5.0 -> 45.5.1                       n/a
5f4b3cd  24cd670  thunderbird-bin: 45.5.0 -> 45.5.1                   n/a
eba91fa  8b7a082  tomcat6: 6.0.45 -> 6.0.48                           n/a
3d0310d  1a0f5f8  tomcat7: 7.0.72 -> 7.0.73                           n/a
42f1ae1  b036ad5  tomcat85: 8.5.5 -> 8.5.8                            n/a
80a4750  c67cec2  tomcat8: 8.0.37 -> 8.0.39                           n/a
5f78980  00fb14b  tomcatUnstable: 9.0.0.M10 -> 9.0.0.M13              n/a
75cdbf4  805022c  torbrowser: 6.0.6 -> 6.0.7                          n/a
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