[Nix-dev] 6 month C4 adoption period

obadz obadz-nix at obadz.com
Tue Aug 30 02:15:17 CEST 2016

For what it's worth there's an issue about adopting C4 (and other related
proposals). So far none have really achieved consensus but this is probably
where the conversation (if we can call it that) should continue:

lowPrio's code is here
Various packages can have the same "name" field in the top-level. lowPrio
says, «if someone tries to install something with that name, and there are
others available, prefer one of the others»
Personally, I prefer to use nix-env -iA so that there is no ambiguity.
(attribute set keys are guaranteed unique or you'll get an eval error).

On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 1:11 AM, stewart mackenzie <setori88 at gmail.com>

> I just want this issue resolved.
> Every time I update / upgrade I recompile rustBeta then rustUnstable
> and it results in 1/2 day lost. This has happened frequently, recently
> as rustUnstable and rustBeta have been broken for a long time.
> (ie days have been lost finding working revs then compiling rust)
> If the lowprio removal doesn't solve this then how can I get it such
> that when I issue a `nixos-rebuild --upgrade switch` and my
> configuration.nix contains `rustUnstable.rustc`  downloads these
> binaries http://hydra.nixos.org/job/nixos/release-16.03/nixpkgs.
> rustUnstable.rustc.x86_64-linux.
> What exactly does lowprio do?
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