[Nix-dev] Building with default.nix

Bas van Dijk v.dijk.bas at gmail.com
Fri Aug 12 12:51:46 CEST 2016

Indeed, I use the following function in my projects:

  # Copy everything under src into the Nix store except
  # those paths that don't have one of the specified
  # allowedPrefixes.
  whitelistSource = src: allowedPrefixes:
      (path: type:
        lib.any (allowedPrefix: lib.hasPrefix
                   (toString (src + "/${allowedPrefix}"))
                ) allowedPrefixes
      ) src;

In my Haskell projects I use it like:

 src = whitelistSource ./. [

All other non-essential files like "dist", ".ghci", etc. are automatically
filtered out.


On 11 August 2016 at 18:50, Daniel Barlow <dan at telent.net> wrote:

> Have you considered using builtins.filterSource ?  I usually do something
> like this:
> let sourceFilesOnly = path: type:
>     (lib.hasPrefix "var" (toString path)) ||
>     (lib.hasPrefix "target" (toString path)) ;
> in stdenv.mkDerivation {
>     src = builtins.filterSource sourceFilesOnly ./.;
>     # ...
> It's not as tight as "git tracked files only" but works well enough for
> e.g. Clojure projects where I can reasonably get build artefacts to go into
> target/ so at least I'm not copying huge jar files into the store.
> Likewise in a Ruby project I'd exclude vendor/bundle the same way
> Any use?
> -dan
> --
> dan at telent.net
> http://ww.telent.net
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