[Nix-dev] Python & installation &

Marc Weber marco-oweber at gmx.de
Sat Apr 23 16:22:11 CEST 2016

> IIRC the wiki is read-only now on purpose. Its content is being (slowly)
> reviewed and integrated into our documentation.
> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/milestones/Move%20the%20wiki!

It would not hurt adding comments to a wiki template:

  The wiki is readonly and will be integrated into the nixpkgs manual.
  See _issue of github_. Thus the only changes which will be done here
  will be "removing content" or "telling that moving all important
  pieces is complete".

Then when all contents have been moved an article could be "deleted" or
marked as "done". How do you keep track of progress otherwise?

A readonly copy could be offered as "archive" (or html dump).

Marc Weber

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