[Nix-dev] Setup GlusterFS server on NixOS machines

rohit yadav rohityadav7787 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 28 07:26:50 CEST 2015

Hi James,

I have very similar goals. It would be great if there are more individuals.


On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 5:17 PM, James <wireless at tampabay.rr.com> wrote:

> rohit yadav <rohityadav7787 <at> gmail.com> writes:
> > I am looking to setup a glusterFS or cephFS cluster. Has anyone worked on
> this? I submitted an issue on github #9877 last week but received no
> response. I would be grateful if anyone can help me.
> > Rohit
> Interesting. One of the NixOS guys just posted to planet.gentoo.org. As
> a long time gentoo user, who has been working on building up the packages
> necessary for a robust apache-mesos cluster, I find Nixos intriquing.
> Specifically::
> My goals are to not use HDFS (its a slug) in lieu of btrfs/cephfs.
> In fact the main packages I need, seem to all be in nixos::
> mesos, spark, zookeeper, marathon, storm and others. In fact all I could
> find missing is 'tachyon'.
> My goal with a *nix cluster is Big science; that is all the resources
> working on a single big problem, like computational chemistry, subsurface
> modelling, Massive video redering mixing graphics and lived video, CI, etc
> etc.
> Is there a quorum of folks with similar interests?
> I'm also testing openmp (clang-3.7.x) and RDMA via OpenACC (gcc-5.2) a like
> minded community ?
> Surely nixos is design for clusters ?
> What packages does nixos have to implement and have graphical
> representations of data via a DAG?
> How difficult is it to use gentoo's ebuilds for nixos?
> Is there a process to convert ebuilds for use on nixos?
> PS, I'm not so found of Virtual Machines, as I'm a bare-metal kind of hack
> really looking to migrate from amd to aarch64. Nixos does support aarch64
> (arm64) right?
> wwr,
> James
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