[Nix-dev] How to add file to initrd?

Tomasz Czyż tomasz.czyz at gmail.com
Tue Sep 8 21:09:16 CEST 2015


Continuation of this thread:

I already successfully set up crypted partitions for mdadm and for zfs. The
system is mounting them properly with standard nixos configuration using
``boot.initrd.luks`` configs.

But for each mount I have to pass password/key. I thought I can put keys
for all partitions to initrd as initrd is on encrypted boot partition
(boot). The process would be like:
* enter password for grub
* grub loads initrd
* initrd unlocks all other partitions

Currently it works for me in very strange way.
I am using preLVMCommands option with "echo 'mykey' > /key".
I don't like it because I cannot keep my configuration on git somewhere
cause it expose my passwords.

Is there any way to add key files to initrd? (I found some "extra" options
for boot partition but not for initrd, maybe there are some hooks I'm not
aware of)

Tomasz Czyż
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