[Nix-dev] Building portable linux binaries on NixOS

Joachim Schiele js at lastlog.de
Fri Oct 9 12:18:03 CEST 2015

On 09.10.2015 07:50, Bryan Gardiner wrote:
> On Thu, 8 Oct 2015 00:03:23 +0200
> Kamil Chmielewski <kamil.chm at gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2015-10-07 20:44 GMT+02:00 Bryan Gardiner <bog at khumba.net>:
>>>> your shell does not find "./go-app".
>>>> What does ls -l say?
>> The file path is right and exists for sure.
>>> Most likely Kamil is in the right directory, and this is just a known
>>> quirk: bash tries to exec the program, the exec fails because the
>>> binary's interpreter is set incorrectly, and bash incorrectly
>>> interprets the failure as the program not existing.  See
>>> https://nixos.org/patchelf.html (although, there is an open bug about
>>> patchelf not working on Go binaries, see
>>> https://github.com/NixOS/patchelf/issues/66).
>> Looks like the issue. Any ideas what to do?
> I'm not sure if you've tried patchelf and hit that bug, or if you
> haven't...  If you haven't, then try something like the following:
> $ patchelf --set-interpreter /lib/ld-linux.so.2 go-app
> $ patchelf --set-rpath /lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib go-app
> $ ./go-app  # (on Ubuntu)
> You should consult /etc/ld.so.conf on Ubuntu for the correct library
> directories (not on Ubuntu here, so I can't see what how it does
> things).
> I think though, wouldn't the correct thing to do (after setting the
> interpreter) actually be to *remove* the RPATH from the binary to have
> it work on non-NixOS, using the normal system library lookup?  I don't
> see a --remove-rpath option on patchelf though.  I can't recall
> whether RPATH inhibits normal lookup directories, if not then you
> wouldn't need to change it, or you could just set it to be empty...

$ patchelf --set-rpath /lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib go-app

will 'replace' all previously set RPATHs so there is no need for

> See ld.so(8).
> Cheers,
> Bryan
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