[Nix-dev] Git branches to track nix channels

Florian Friesdorf flo at chaoflow.net
Tue May 19 09:56:38 CEST 2015


nix channels are series of snapshots of nixpkgs that were succesfully
build by hydra and we subscribe and update them via nix-channel - for
users of nixpkgs this is great!

As maintainers of nixpkgs and users who keep custom patches, we also
have one or more local checkouts of git://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs.git.

It would be great if channel information would be available via git as

- one branch per channel, git reset --hard to the latest successfully
  build nixpkgs in this channel

- tags (<channel-name>-<datetime>) for each successful channel build.

This would enable us to base local customizations of nixpkgs on-top of
successful hydra builds and therefore getting as much binary package
support as possible, and would remove the need to additionally maintain
channels with nix-channel.

What do you think?

Florian Friesdorf <flo at chaoflow.net>
GPG FPR: 7A13 5EEE 1421 9FC2 108D  BAAF 38F8 99A3 0C45 F083
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