[Nix-dev] sbcl image executables and patch-elf

Eike eike at eknet.org
Mon May 11 21:53:44 CEST 2015

Hi Thomas,

thanks for your reply; somehow I missed your response as yet. I just
found out that this is the strip utility from binutils and I'm wondering
how it can do such a harm…

Thanks again

Tomas Hlavaty <tomas.hlavaty at knowledgetools.de> writes:

> Hi Eike,
>> I'm making a program in common lisp using sbcl. I then create a
>> executable image which results in quite a big file since the whole
>> lisp is packaged up. When I use nix to build this app, the file that
>> ends up in nix-store is tiny and not working. It seems to me that the
>> patch-elf process is stripping things off, but that's just a guess.
> try:
>    dontStrip = true;
> in your build expression.
> Cheers,
> Tomas

gpg: AD7AC35E
finger print: 137F BB0B 1639 D25F DC5D  E59C B412 C5F5 AD7A C35E

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