[Nix-dev] nixos modules: Setting attrsOf sub-options

Rickard Nilsson rickard.nilsson at telia.com
Wed Jul 1 00:31:24 CEST 2015


I'm stuck on the following problem with the NixOS module system:

Say I have an option definition like this:

     subOpts = { ... }: {
       options = {
         opt1 = mkOption { ... };
         opt2 = mkOption { ... };

   in {
     options = {
       top = mkOption {
         type = with types; attrsOf (submodule subOpts);
         default = {};

Then I use it like this:

   top = {
     one.opt1 = ...;
     two.opt1 = ...;

And now I want to set top.*.opt2 in a separate module, based on the 
existing attributes. Essentially something like this:

   top = mkMerge (
     map (a: { ${a}.opt2 = f a; }) (attrNames config.top)

But of course, the above results in an infinite recursion since I'm 
using config.top in its own definition.

What I want is simply to be able to plug in a module that defines some 
sub-options without having explicit knowledge about the attribute set.

Does anyone know a way of achieveing this?

   / Rickard

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