[Nix-dev] spamassassin module

Eike eike at eknet.org
Tue Feb 17 23:59:32 CET 2015


I'm trying to add spamassassin to my email setup. So I added this to my

    services.spamassassin = {
      enable = true;
      debug = true;

I then tried with `systemctl start spamd' which failed, because of
missing configs (I should admit now, that I'm very new to
spamassassin). The error message suggests to run `sa-update', so I did
with this result:

    Timeout::_run: check: no loaded plugin implements 'check_main': cannot scan!
    Check the necessary '.pre' files are in the config directory.

Some searches later, I found out that there are missing config files in
/etc/spamassassin (the instructions in spamassassin/default.nix specify
this as CONFDIR). I then copied all files from
${pkgs.spamassassin}/share/spamassassin/* to /etc/spamassassin to make
the sa-update command work. After that spamd started.

Would it make sense to symlink those files from the spamassassin module?
Or did I miss something and should go back and read spamassassins
manual(s) first?

Thanks and regards,

gpg: AD7AC35E
finger print: 137F BB0B 1639 D25F DC5D  E59C B412 C5F5 AD7A C35E

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