[Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

Ertugrul Söylemez ertesx at gmx.de
Tue Feb 10 17:07:15 CET 2015

> Data type declarations are not free in any case, I think.

Compared to what?  Algebraic abstractions usually compile to exactly the
code you would have written if you had not used abstraction.

> Well, you started talking like you were considering some limitation of
> XMonad hard to work around.

I am.  I'm using a tree-shaped set of workspaces, but I need to encode
this tree within the names of the workspaces, which is incredibly

>> So I'm probably already doing what you're suggesting, except that it
>> doesn't look like Unix, because there is no "pipe" involved. =)
> Well, with sockets it is easier to do decoupling, and cross-language
> development.

Decoupling seems unrelated, but the cross-language point is valid of
course.  Also sockets can work over a network.  So yeah, it's a
tradeoff.  For my window manager I really don't want to go through that
complexity.  It's written in Haskell, I'd like to configure in Haskell
and I'm not planning to offload my WM state to another machine.  So I'm
glad I can just use xmonad as a library.
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