[Nix-dev] [***SPAM***] Re: UI management (Was: Use Haskell for Shell Scripting)

7c6f434c at mail.ru 7c6f434c at mail.ru
Tue Feb 10 08:37:47 CET 2015

>It's not that esoteric.  Think about the average 2013 laptop or PC with
>plenty of RAM.  When you're done with a certain task, you close its
>window, simply because you're used to that and perhaps because you draw
>a relationship to the physical world, where you prefer your desk to be
>clean and organised.

Erm, some of the things need to know they should stop eating CPU cycles
and stop touching their esident working set — I do think that my 8 GiBs
of RAM are sometimes better used with more disk caching of my active-in-
brain tasks and not caching LibreOffice and Firefox. Sometimes not.

>So what's the solution?  Simple: Workspaces must be cheap, dynamic and
>extremely easy to manage.  There should not be a rigid mapping between
>workspaces and windows.  Windows should easily be able to belong to
>multiple workspaces.  A generalised xmonad could do it, but the current
>one can't.

My experience says that moving towards your goal is a good idea w.r.t.
status quo, but halfway there you'll switch the direction.

I decided to use tags for window management; turned out I use a fixed
number of automated tags and I only manually tag things (sometimes
auto-tagging everything in a workspace, sometimes manually setting tags)
when I have multiple concurrent complex workflows.

I also tag my frames, but mostly to specify which should be managed as 
a single whole. When two monitors are connected, tag-based navigation
is also sometimes convenient…

I thought I would be manually tagging more; it didn't turn out like that,
I have set up autotagging once and use it as is.

What is your vision and what is your experience on your way there?

>I'd be happy to discuss this further, but I'm afraid we're getting way
>out of topic. =)

Changed the subject…

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