[Nix-dev] Fwd: The results of your email commands

Anderson Torres torres.anderson.85 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 14 02:57:03 CEST 2014

Hello, Nixers! I have two questions:

1 - After some time, I have tried to update my system. But my Internet
connection is very poor, so I tried to download libreoffice using

$ wget -c http://cache.nixos.org/nar/1azl6p7a1ajqj1n62mj5bfwaajapljgqvw1xr7xhl6zzw74440x5.nar.xz

How can I use that file for now on?

2 - There is some way to set options on curl inside nix-env
invocation, as bandwidth limits, max retries, proxy, etc.?

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