[Nix-dev] NixOps, managing virtual hardware and network

Wout Mertens wout.mertens at gmail.com
Thu Nov 27 12:21:01 CET 2014

Hi Sergey,

yup, NixOps fits the bill, but I'm not sure what you mean with being bound
to the host's physical adapter.
When you deploy virtualboxes with NixOps it gives the VM 2 interfaces: One
host-local and one on vboxnet0. If you want a different setup you'll have
to tweak nixops here:

(if you do, make it configurable and send a PR please :-) )

As for specifying configuration of host and vboxen in one go, NixOps
doesn't do that. It only runs virtualboxes on localhost.
You can write a systemd service that starts the nixops network if you

Another approach is to create a bunch of VMs manually and add them as
"None" type hosts to NixOps, then NixOps will just use them as-is.

Good luck!


On Wed Nov 26 2014 at 2:42:06 PM Sergey Mironov <grrwlf at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, List! Please, help me to decide what deployment tools (NixOps?) to
> use for the
> following task:
> I'd like to build a test server for testing a hardware NAT device. The
> server
> should be a Host machine hosting 2-4 Virtual machines. Every Virtual
> machine
> should have 2 ethernet adapters: first one should be bound to Host's
> physical
> adapter (the network traffic emulator), the second  one should be connected
> to the internal virtual network (the management interface).
> The exact set of software deployed onto Virtual machines depends on
> particular
> test scenario, but it typically includes some http, ftp, voice, video
> broadcasting
> servers and clients.
> Does NixOps have required functionality to fit into this task? Does it
> allow
> specifying configuration for the Host and it's guest machines in one
> expression (I assume VirtualBox to be a virtualization container)?
> What about tweaking VirtualBox hardware?
> Should I consider looking at other deployment tools?
> Thanks in advance,
> Sergey
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