[Nix-dev] Terminfo issues with haskell 'vty' package & nix-shell
Kirill Elagin
kirelagin at gmail.com
Fri Nov 14 11:02:21 CET 2014
Hm, by the way `TERMINFO` gets set by urxvt itself, so that’s probably not
what causes the problem.
On Fri Nov 14 2014 at 13:59:05 Kirill Elagin <kirelagin at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu Nov 13 2014 at 20:20:53 Michael Jones <m.pricejones at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I hope this is the right list. I'm very new to nix and trying to get a
>> set up working on Ubuntu 14.04 for a small haskell project I have. I use
>> rxvt-unicode as a shell which generally seems to work fine but when I run
>> `nix-shell` in a directly with the following `default.nix` file:
>> { haskellPackages ? (import <nixpkgs> {}).haskellPackages }:
>> let
>> inherit (haskellPackages);
>> in
>> with haskellPackages; cabal.mkDerivation (self: {
>> pname = "jump";
>> version = "0.0.0";
>> src = ./.;
>> buildDepends = with haskellPackages; [ vty ];
>> buildTools = with haskellPackages; [ cabalInstall ];
>> })
>> I get the following error when running `tput`:
>> [nix-shell:~/root/projects/jump]$ tput setaf 7
>> tput: unknown terminal "rxvt-unicode"
> That’s strange, could you check what does `env` in the nix-shell look like?
> The variable of interset is `TERMINFO_DIRS`.
> (And for some reason `TERMINFO` also gets set which looks wrong to me.
> This might or might not be a bug…)
>> I'm afraid I'm sufficiently clueless that I don't know how to deal with
>> this. I'm guessing that the terminfo information for nix's bash needs to be
>> in another folder and that the haskell 'vty' package's dependency on
>> ncurses might be confusing things. Does anyone have any recommendations on
>> how to investigate this further? I love the idea of nix and I'd like to get
>> past this.
>> My rxvt-unicode is from Ubuntu rather than a nix install. I did try to
>> install it from nix using the recommendation from http://nixos.org/nixos/
>> packages.html but I get:
>> $ nix-env -iA nixos.pkgs.rxvt_unicode
>> error: attribute ‘nixos’ in selection path ‘nixos.pkgs.rxvt_unicode’ not
>> found
>> Any further help would also be appreciated :)
>> Cheers,
>> Michael
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