[Nix-dev] RFC: NixOS version string format

Bjørn Forsman bjorn.forsman at gmail.com
Thu May 1 16:58:15 CEST 2014

On 1 May 2014 16:19, Kirill Elagin <kirelagin at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 5:43 PM, Bjørn Forsman <bjorn.forsman at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> To complicate further, if the release tag is made on the release
>> branch and is not reachable from master, I don't think "git describe"
>> on master will find that tag at all.
> Sure, but there are normally no commits in the release branch (before actual
> release)
> that are not in master, so it should be safe to merge the branches. We can
> just require this merge
> right after creating the release [annotated] tag during the release
> procedure.

Yes, it should be safe.

1. git tag -a -m "Release 14.04" v14.04 release-14.04~N
# Adjust N to match nixos-version output on stable channel,

2. git checkout master

3. git merge release-14.04

If all goes well: git push && git push --tags

Best regards,
Bjørn Forsman

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